1. So I can show anyone how I do the stuff I do and maybe learn how to do something (or how NOT to do something) using the information I provide.
2. For my own reference. I would love to be able to go back and see how I used to do things and look at all my old designs and look at my old research.
A little bit of background....
I have always loved LEDs... well.... colorful lights. I used to have all kinds of disco style lights all over my room looking of so pretty. (4 lava lights, 3 disco balls, black-lights, strobe-lights, etc.) I really started falling on love with LEDs when I saw the LED Pyramid that Daft Punk used for their Alive 2007 concert. They could pretty much use it as a TV because there were so many "Pixels." However, It wasn't until I saw Deadmau5's LED mau5head that my LED wanting mind took off. After I saw it, I had to know how it worked, I had to know what allowed it to be so awesome. Then, after I learned there is no way I can recreate it the way he did it, I sought to learn my own way of creating my own masterpiece! The details of what and how I am creating this thing will be told in a later blog post. As for right now, I am researching how I am going to accomplish this insane task.
This is all I am releasing for right now.... stay tuned...

DeadMau5's LED display and head :)
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